Создание сайтов [codecanyon] phpAnalyzer v2.0.4 - инструмент аудита Instagram

27 Сен 2019
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Автор: codecanyon
Название: phpAnalyzer v2.0.4 - инструмент аудита Instagram


- это онлайн инструмент отслеживания, который дает вам возможность отслеживать неограниченные учетные записи Instagram и создавать профессиональные аудиты, включая отслеживание по дням, уровни взаимодействия, верхние сообщения, верхние хэштеги и верхние упоминания и многое другое. Найдите лучших в instagram и держите их статистику. Он также поставляется с платежным шлюзом Paypal и Stripe, чтобы ваши пользователи могли приобретать преимущества с вашего сайта.

Update 2.0.4 – 28 October, 2018

Now admins will be able to access any pdf report or api call with theri API keys
Update 2.0.3 – 23 October, 2018

Sitemap is now generating multiple small sitemaps split into a maximum of 10 000 records per sitemap
Admin Page Edit fix not showing the visual editor
Fix small assets locations urls not found
Small text changes in the admin panel
Update 2.0.2 – 23 October, 2018

Fixed Paypal payment bug when you got an error after hitting the generate payment button
Dashboard look improved with more details and the search field for searching new accounts
Small under the hood changes
Update 2.0.1 – 20 October, 2018

Not Found page reworked to have more content
Fixed account activation bug
Small under the hood changes
Update 2.0.0 – 19 October, 2018

REFACTORED AND REWORKED THE WHOLE SCRIPT FRAMEWORK – making it more cleaner, performant and more easy to manage ( code related )
Reworked all the Ajax requests from the admin panel
Implemented the way to save all the media data of the IG User ( his posts ) to the database also in a separate table.
Added New Media Posts Statistics on the Report Page
Performance improvement on the report page.
Added the option to set PayPal to live or sandbox from the admin panel
Reworked Paypal Payments Experience when someone purchases something via Paypal. (including: disabling Shipping information being mandatory and others )
Added new filter: Sort by different criteria in Directory page
Added new filter: Sort by type in Directory page
Now Admins will have default access to all the reports
Fixed potential bug on PDF reports in some systems
Now the pdf generator, api link, sitemap and cron has been changed and implemented into the new system
Fixed bug in the directory not showing more than 20 results.
Optimized certain javascript code to not be loaded when not needed
Removed link to actual users from the admin panel ( Admin Users Management ) when you could have clicked on a user and it would go to a unexisting url

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Премиум на месяц
450 ₽
Премиум навсегда
450 ₽